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EcoMaste is engaging, participating, and making a difference.


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Wholeness, Much Love, and Pura Vida.

My experience with the indigenous tribe from Colombia the Aruacos who are part of the Collective Teyuna was one of the most powerful of my life. We traveled the South Pacific of Costa Rica from the March 4th-12th. I was blessed to spend the entire journey with them because my husband, was one of the main coordinators. I really had no idea what I was in for. I packed enough clothes for two days and five days later I found myself in the middle of our journey. We met with tribes indigenous to Costa Rica and offered pagamentos or offerings with specific intentions to designated areas. This was the first time that the Teyuna and many of these tribes had met. It was so important to for these tribes to come together because it was a potent reminder that they are not alone as guardians of their land.

The Teyuna think of themselves as the guardians of the World. They are on a mission to bring order back to the planet. This order they speak of isn't conforming to a strict dogma written by man. It is one of simplicity, ancient knowledge, written by nature. Something that the modern world has gotten further, and further away from since colonialism, the industrial age, and the era of capitalism. We have gotten so wrapped up in the matrix. We work so we can afford our cars, houses, toys, vacations, etc. But what happens to the living part of life? Who takes care of our bodies; physically, emotionally, spiritually, energetically? Who takes care of our children; teaching them by example and experiences? Who takes care of the land that we live on? As we ponder these questions and come to honest answers more often than not there is a feeling of abandonment.

The deep ache in the human psyche is something swept under our conscious awareness but it is deeply ingrained into societies who have distanced themselves from living in union with nature. It explains much of the mental ailments that so much of our population suffers from. Understanding this ache can also give rise to compassion for all because we all feel this pain on a collective level even if its subconsciously.

For those of us who have awoken or accepted our reality it is also an opportunity to be tactful and teachers to those who are still living in the illusion of materialism. Instead of judging them for mindless consumption we can ask questions, we can tell them how we understand why they feel the need to act in this way. We can relate to others by speaking of this collective void we all feel. Once we have built a bridge to others whom live differently then ourselves we can begin share what are practices have made us remember our wholeness. But imposing our ideas, separating ourselves from people who live their lives differently is trying to solve a problem from the same kind of energy which the problem was created, disconnection.

The time I spent with Teyuna and other indigenous tribes gave me the chance to create some space around my unconscious patterns that perpetuate this deep ache. I was taken out of my convenient life in the States. I tell myself, "my life is so easy, I have everything I want."

But why do I want a life that is so easy? How much of what I consume is something I truly "want" and how much is what I've been "programmed" to want? What value can we gain by living an existence that isn't "easy" but that has its challenges that encourage growth and innovation. Being with those who live in a more simplistic lifestyle you see how little you really need to have a purpose and fulfillment. Not to say that you have to live in a hut without electricity or running water. We can have the things that serve a purpose which allow us to be the most productive and vibrant people in accordance with nature. We just have to get curious and seek out those who are living the reality that we aspire too.

We have lost the value of creating a loving and respectful relationship with ourselves. Instead we look to others and society to tell us we are enough, worthy, and capable. This builds a foundation of disorder because all of our relationships are built off of being validated by something outside of ourselves. This encourages egocentric behavior that pollutes all aspects of our lives. We create our own chaos and always turn to someone else to blame.

So how does one live a life of order? I believe the Coronavirus is an opportunity for us to re-order and transform the disorder in our lives. The fact that there is some much pandemonium over this Virus in itself speaks volumes. Yes people are sick, yes people are dying. But we live in a world where there is more any enough resources to feed everyone yet 9 million people die each year from hunger. That's almost 25,000 people a day!! (click for reference) Why isn't this on mainstream news everyday? How could something so substantial be so overlooked. As of today, March 21st 13,000 people have died, and there are 304,493 cases globally confirmed. (click for reference) The reason why there is so much fear around this is because we feel the immediacy of it happening to us. Why don't we care about the millions of people who die from preventive ailments everyday? Because of disorder and disconnection.

The media has blown this virus into a machine of fear. Why are we so easily swayed into a state of chaos and scarcity? Because the people who are in power know that our power relies on us rebuilding a healthy relationship with ourselves, our communities, and the land. We are now all called back from the places we've traveled to our places origin. Then, instead of coming together we are being separated for preventive measures. Yes these measures will help lower your chances of contracting the virus. But we must use this time of separation very carefully. We are dancing on a fine line of scarcity, fear, and isolation. All of these create more disease, more disorder. This is a time to reflect on how, what, whom and why you expend and consume energy? What are the implications? What are the wastes? What could you release? What is a priority? How are you making those things a priority each day?

What do we need to survive? Clean water, air, food, land, shelter, community.

To the indigenous land is the most sacred. It is not a commodity, a resource, or something that we have to protect or heal. The land is our mother she is one to be honored and respected. The Mamo explained that putting a sign do not liter is out of order. The fact that we need to put signs up stating the obvious illustrates the sickness of humanity. We are out of order and so is the planet.

We must now take the time to bring our attention back home, and by home I mean our bodies. When was the last time you said, "I love you to yourself?" The last time you massaged your feet? The last time you held yourself and fell into your own embrace. Whatever the answer there is no judgement, just an awareness. Now right, right now is the time to rebuild a relationship to yourself like you never have before. Our borders, schools, grocery stores, restaurants, churches, community centers are closing. So we have to create these centers of nourishment within ourselves. We have to communicate to each other more than ever before on how we can utilize our skills and resources so no one is left behind`, no one, no land, no body is abandoned. We already have everything we need to thrive but we can only do this together listening and following the natural order.

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Since the end of December there have been some huge shifts that have helped EcoMaste come to fruition. Jose decided to embark on an adventure to Costa Rica 6 weeks before getting married. Being his wife I can speak to my apprehension of him leaving. But I know that when Jose has something calling him he will follow. He began his journey doing a Bamboo Building Course with Trey Abernethy through Natural Building Costa Rica. During this Bamboo course he learned how to harvest, treat, and build. He was amazed at the knowledge, discipline, and work ethic Trey embodies. Being around someone that not only has big thoughts but follows with action has been incredibly motivating and inspirational.

In 2018 Jose made a connection to indigenous tribes from Colombia, where we he is originally from. The Kogis are one of the four tribes that make up the Teyuna. They fled the Spanish Conquistadors to the Sierra Nevada. They came out of their recluse about 40 years ago with a message to major world leaders that we need to change our ways of treating the planet like its an infinite resource to treating Mother Earth as a living organism that she is.

While being in Costa Rica Jose found himself meeting people who are major players in the community of Tinamastes. Specifically he met a man named Kevin who talked to Jose about a vision he had on one of his experiences with Ayahuasca. He received a message to offer ceremonies in cave which he found in the area. In this cave he saw an Eagle and a Condor united. The Eagle representing the North and the Condor representing the South. Kevin is obviously not the first to have this vision. It is a well know prophecy for many indigenous tribes of the world. The message is clear that there is a need to reunite the North and South and we must do what bring a balance to these polarities.

Shortly after some synchronicities started to unfold. Jose sent a picture of Costa Rica to the social leader of the Kogi, Kandimaku. He shared that him and the other shamans or Mamos had been meditating on coming to Costa Rica. They've been wanting to come to this area to offer pagamentos or payments to Earth. They view Costa Rica as the esophagus of the Earth. A bridge between the North and South, and the Eagle and the Condor.

Jose felt a call to action and has been doing all that he can to help manifest their meditation intention. He got a huge wave of support from the local community. Especially from the sisters as Jose calls them, Keyna, Coordinator of the Domincal Feria, India, Co-Founder & COO of Imiloa, Chiara, Co-founder of Expandir Conciencia Association, and Ginette, Co-founder of Secret Energy who all have united forces to make this vision a reality. They've welcomed Jose as one of their own. Everyone I have met as well has welcomed me with open arms. A kind of embrace we very rarely experience in the western world.

We have recently gotten married since the beginning of this story. To us our wedding represented not only the celebration of our love but the uniting of the north and south. I'm from the States, Massachusetts and Jose, from Colombia, Bogota. From two different cultures, different continents and yet we have found each other, fallen in love, and are building a life of abundance, connection, and joy in Costa Rica.

We are blessed with the opportunity to start this journey by hosting the Mamos to stay at EcoMaste, our Eco-lodge, retreat and learning center. Our hope is to open this lodge to the community that has embraced us since being here. Another goal of ours is to facilitate deepening relationships with the expat community and the local Ticos. We believe the Kogi presence will help elevate and clear what no longer serves this beautiful area.

There is no denying the recent explosion of development in Costa Rica. This has brought commerce, a surge of expats, and the cultures they bring with them. It has also changed the dynamic for many Costa Ricans, some have embraced the change but change is not always easy. There is a disconnect from the Ticos and the expat community that many know and feel but it is uncomfortable to name. Jose is an expat himself but he relates to the Ticos so well that many don't realize he isn't a Tico, until noticing his accent. Jose immigrated the States when he was thirteen years old so he knows what it feels like to be an outsider. But he has always had a curiosity and excitement to engage in the unknown. He seems to make a home wherever he finds himself. This is the spirit that EcoMaste was birthed from. We want create a haven where people feel at home no matter if they are native or foreign. A place where people can learn from Mother Earth and from each-other. A place of spirit, heart, and communion with source. When we come back to the gifts of nature, when quiet ourselves enough we are able to hear the call of spirit. This is our time to share what we've been hearing. Join us to find out more about upcoming events with the Mamos by reaching out directly at or go to the home page of

With much love, pura vida and many blessings!


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Bamboo course at Finca Morpho was a great experience. The jungle, community at the finca, food, the education and so many other positives... where to begin!? I want to start by thanking everyone i met during this course and Finca Morpho for holding space.

It was a long beautiful drive down the pacific coast of Costa Rica to nearly the very end of the Osa Peninsula...

Scarlet Macaws

The finca is near Corcovado national park where sightings of scarlet macaws, toucans and many other animals are an every day occurrence. There, nature, los maestros, and the finca crew welcomed us. Many passionate students dreaming to build a better tomorrow using a natural grass, gathered here to learn more and share ideas.

Here is a little information about this beautiful plant.

Bamboo is amazing in so many ways. To name a few, it regenerates quick, you can even eat young bamboo shoots! just like the pandas do. It also helps to prevent soil erosion, and sequesters a lot of carbon into the ground. In some species, this spectacular grass can grow almost 1 meter every day! Reaching over 30 meters of height and full regenerative mass in only 6 months. This plant is made to be strong. Unlike wood, bamboo has no knots so it has the ability to withstand a lot of stress. It is 3 times stronger than timber and can produce 15x more material than regular wood in 30 years.

There are 1675 species of bamboo and in Costa Rica, the most common ones are Asper, Dendrocalumus Gigantus, and Bambusa. The best time to harvest these fast regenerative trees are when its sugar content is low. Bamboo contains a lot of starch (sugars) which fungi, borers and other parasites thrive for. Good harvesting practices are great for bamboo to retain its strength. So it is very important to understand why and when is the best time to harvest. During rainy season, its sugar content is lower (this is due to new shoots consuming nutrients) and the moisture content in the culms is high. At this time, it increases the possibility of bamboo to be damaged and split after harvest. That said, it is recommended to harvest bamboo at the end of rainy season and the beginning of the dry season at the right moon (waning gibbous and last quarter) and ideally before sunrise or in the early morning hours. This has its advantages as the bamboo is less attractive to insects, less heavy to transport and dries faster. But wait!, there is one more to it after harvesting.

We can not forget the curing process. Also a very important step. Bamboo, like any other wood, has a good chance of being attacked by insects. Which is why is crucial to treat it correctly. Boron salts are used and very effective against borers, termites and fungi. A perfect mix of Boric acid and borax is the most commonly used treatment to cure bamboo. Learn more at the next bamboo course with Natural Building Costa Rica coming up in April of 2020.

In this course we experienced great vegan and organic prepared meals by chef Alex. His passion and love for cooking shows on the food he creates. Very creative using different seeds, spices, colors and textures to create beautiful delicious meals. During the course, one of the most interesting and fun ways to make food was showcased. Did you know that on the open fire, you can prepare and heat up meals inside bamboo culms? Yes, This happened during the course. Alex and the team prepared us a wonderful dinner. It consisted of sweet plantains with some seeds and spices as well as some arroz y fríjoles. Healthy and delicious with a kick of bamboo smoked flavor.

In summary, the overall experience at Finca Morpho was excellent. We weaved great connections and made relationships that showed interest in participating with some of EcoMaste's projects. One of the folks we hope to collaborate in the future and stay in touch with is Wyly Brown. Very talented architect building structures that are out of this world. Here are some of his links: and We invite you to click on these and see for yourself why some of the projects Wyly has been involved with, are increíbles!

One of our goals at EcoMaste is to help and collaborate with passionate entrepreneurs that are involved in helping out this planet. One example is Trey, founder of Natural Building Costa Rica and co-founder of Bambu Mundo. He is a hard working individual actively learning, applying permaculture design principles, and sharing with the community. EcoMaste and Bambu Mundo, are currently establishing a relationship to work towards manage and re-forestation. We hope to continue to collaborate together in the coming years.

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